Friday, February 13, 2009

The Frequent Asset Management Questions?

The Frequent Asset Management Questions?

  1. Is it a new management system?
  2. My assets are functioning properly even though occasionally it breaks down (which is manageable).
  3. My assets are working properly and if it breaks down, I will repair it.
  4. As long as it does not cost a bundle, I will replace the asset.
  5. I maintain my assets regularly so I do not need an asset management in my organization.
  6. I have a good asset maintenance program and I do not need an asset management.
  7. Why I should bother about asset management when I only used it?

These are amongst questions frequently asked regarding asset management. Whether you are the public or the asset owner, we are, somehow or rather, will associate to the assets. The roads that we travel in, the buildings that we do our business, the buildings that will be our home or the parks in which we rest our tired bodies are all assets.

In the next post, I will try to explain the government and the public perception on asset management.

Also, I will also try to explain what is asset management and the fundamentals of asset management.


1 comment:

  1. Yes, but what so special about asset managemnet? I don't see anything yet!
