Monday, March 23, 2009

Fundamentals of Asset Management - 8

Fundamentals of Asset Management - continuation

1o.0 User expectations

1o.1 When assets are constructed or installed, these assets are meant to be used or utilized. As such, the asset must be able to continuously provide services to the community. Subsequently, asset owners will derive benefits from the assets whilst the public or the users of the assets will enjoy a better environment and quality of life.

10.2 On the other hand, a user of the asset does not expect much from the asset used but when they relate it to quality, quantity, availability, safety and responsiveness, questions will be raised by the user when there is a drop in the level of service of the asset. Hence, the organization must act accordingly to the questions raised as it has an impact on its organization’s service delivery. Though it is impossible to have zero gripe from users, efforts must be made to minimize any discomfort to the users thus minimizing complaints from users.

10.3 To do this, organizations must take a proactive stand and constantly thrive to understand user expectations through regular interaction with users. By having regular interactions, the level of satisfaction can be determined. There are various methods to implement the assessment or survey and the most common method is by street, online or a general survey. Nevertheless, focus groups may be employed at an earlier stage before implementation to gauge the fulfillment of the asset objective.

10.4 Examples of user expectations are:

1o.5 From the above table, user’s expectations relates to the amount of money the user have contributed through statutory taxation to the government or the local authority. As such, user will expect value for money. Likewise, the organization also expects the asset to function as specified in order to realize the organization service delivery within whatever constraints or limitations the organization has. To match the two (2) expectations, the logical thing to do is by giving the asset a service level, hence satisfying both the organization and the user.

10.6 By assessing the condition and performance of the asset in conjunction with periodic and customary customer satisfaction surveys, CSS in short, the organization will be able to gauge the achieved service level of the asset and appropriate the amount of funds to asset if the achieved asset’s service level is lower than the stated service level. If gaps arise between the actual and and the intended service of the asset, measures must be taken such as renewal to ensure that the asset will continue to deliver its sevice during it functional life.